This will be my shortest blog to date. There has begun an apparent cultural battle over what matters in recent months. I'm going to weigh in just a little. Since the death of George Floyd, and the growth in attention to the Black Lives Matter movement, a residual good has happened. I've noticed many people who never before indicated that they gave a rats ass about black lives or child sex trafficking now are very concerned about the latter. That's good. It's a horrible thing, and it's a world wide problem. Law enforcement at all levels should continue to work to end it. I hope those same people are as concerned for children who are sexually abused by family members and friends, because that number is much higher and much harder to prosecute. And, it is something we can all do more than just post memes about on Facebook, by teaching our children how to protect themselves and to not be ashamed or afraid to tell, and by being aware of warning signs that we might see,...